You are on the BDSM site, pressing ENTER confirms that: You are 18 years old and you are of age. If your state has a legal age of majority, you meet that age. You also acknowledge that under no circumstances will you grant access to persons who do not meet these conditions. You further acknowledge that the displayed content will be for your private use only and you will not distribute it in any way. You agree that the content does not cause offense to you, or that you are not offended and that you enter voluntarily. If you do not meet the above conditions, press EXIT to exit immediately.


Change of forms

Due to a recent DoS cyber attack on this website, the forms (contact, registration and login) are secured with reCAPTCHA.
I have also had to delete your registration information in the locked section. You will need to register again to access it again.
I know it's a pain, but it's the only possible defense for the site to function properly.

Twitter profile

Since there is a fee to run the video on Fetlife, I have started a Twitter profile where you can now see my idea for a simulation of operational performance...
You can find me on Twitter: @clinic_iris

New section

In the left menu, a new section MEDICAL FETISH has been added, which is dedicated to the simulation of surgery. The photo gallery in this section is available only to registered users. Registration can be done by accessing the left menu "LOG IN" or in the "MEDICAL FETISH" section itself. Please also pay attention to the information, more HERE